SCIMA Digital Enhancement Program with support from Dell YouthConnect
The SCIMA Digital Enhancement Program is implemented by setting up 'Resource Centre' & 'Knowledge Centers' in the nodal schools. The Knowledge Center is equipped with a library of digital resources especially designed to enhance the Science and Math learning using Interactive Board. The 2D and 3D multimedia modules built with an Instructor-led design allows the teacher to effectively transact the lesson in a typical classroom of diverse set of learners.The adoption of various innovative methodologies like Inquiry Based Learning, Activity Based Learning, Problem Based and Project Based Approaches by the teachers help students connect curricular studies with real life situations, develop higher level thinking skills, promote collaboration and develop a scientific temperament and attitude.
Objectives of the Program:
• To enhance Science and Maths learning among school students classes VI-IX
• To provide Digital Literacy skills in a 21st Century learning environment for the school students Classes I-X.
• To develop schools as institutions of learning and help integrate ICTs in the school systems, processes and pedagogies in a systematic manner.
The objectives of the Community Outreach Program
• Help underprivileged children from the community 9 -17 years of age, who do not have access to technology, gain digital literacy & 21st century skills.
• Help youth (18 – 25 years) to become self sustainable by providing entrepreneurial skills – risk taking, creativity and innovation and enable them to identify opportunities, address issues at local levels and promote social innovation.
Explore@myworld Program Segment – Community Children
The Explore@myworld Program uses the 'Resource Centre' equipped with latest technologies, in the five Nodal Schools post school hours to provide digital inclusion initiatives to the underserved children, school drop outs from the community, in an attempt to include them into the main stream. The children are empowered with the relevant IT skills to compete in a global world. The Learning Links Foundation (LLF) Curriculum "Explore@myworld" facilitates the community children to use technology as a tool for addressing community development issues. The students are trained on the unique set of exploratory curriculum and empowered with the essential Digital Literacy and 21st Century Skills like communication, collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving.They collaborate, research, work in pairs and create projects which are then showcased to their peers, parents and community leaders. This program not only builds their 21st century skills but also helps them become responsible citizens of tomorrow.
Through the Social Innovation program youth are empowered with entrepreneur skills that enable them to establish their own ventures. The specially designed curriculum helps the youth to identify the problems in the community and come out with possible solutions in the form of business ideas.
Objectives of the explore program:
• Help underprivileged children from the Community 9 -17 years of age, who do not have access to technology, gain digital literacy & 21st century skills
• Help the children become socially responsible and bring about a change in the community they live in
• Address social issues and improve the livelihood interventions in the local community
• Leverage technology for effective capacity building and entrepreneurial skills – risk taking, creativity, Innovation, social consciousness
• Sense opportunities and prepare oneself for globalizationIn the country like India millions of children are school dropouts and never can they afford to learn digital literacy skills. 76% the children who are in to formal education stream do not have any access to computers at home or at school. Dell YouthConnect program is launched at the right time to help the deserved and empower them with the skills 21st century.The students who are trained by Learning Links Foundation now can, communicate and collaborate by using latest technologies. There is a big change in the mindset of students, 90% of the students want to select their career in the field of computers or technology. The youth trained under social innovation program are geared up to establish their own ventures to help the community in over coming from its problems.​